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Cultural Policy




  • General

    Only competitions chosen by the school and that the school enter the learner for will be taken into consideration for the cultural awards.



  • Point system

    All cultural awards will be awarded according to the following point system:




    Participating in the Laerskool Witfield school concert:                                          5  Points

    Participating in the Laerskool Witfield revue:                                                         10 Points

    Participating in the Susan Badenhorst Commando/voortrekkers    
    (minimum 90% attendance) or scouts:                                                                     8 Points

    Participating in internal oratorical speaking (Afrikaans and/or English):            2 Point per competition

    Participating in an eisteddfod vocal and musical category:                                  1 Point per competition

    Participating in an eisteddfod art category:                                                             1 Point per competition

    Participating in an eisteddfod drama category:                                                      1 Point per competition

                Participating in an eisteddfod dance category:                                           1 Point per competition

                Participating in ATKV oratorical speaking competition – Round 1:          2 Points

    Participating in ATKV oratorical speaking competition – Semi final:                   3 Points

    Participating in ATKV oratorical speaking competition – Final:                            4 Points

    Participating in any extern oratorical speaking competition:                               1 Point per competition

    Participating in Witfield Idols, Fight for Fame or Mr & Miss Witfield:                  2 Points per competition




    Bonus points:

    Will be awarded to a learner if he/she:

  • Participated in 4 oratorical speaking competitions for the year.                  1 Point

  • Participated in 8 items at the eisteddfod for the year.                                   1 Point

  • Participated in all cultural activities offered by the school for the year.      3 Points

  • Member of the vocal group for the revue.                                                        5 Points

  • Specialisation badge for voortrekkers/scouts (Only Gr.7)                              4 Points             




    Certificate points:

    Provincial colours:                       15 points per award

    Item winner extern:                    12 points per certificate

    Item winner intern:                       8 points per certificate
                                                            (Except where there is only 1 participant, then that
                                                             participant must achieve at least 90%)

    Diploma (90%+):                           7 points per certificate/rubric

    Gold (80-89%):                              5 points per certificate/rubric

    Silver (70-79%):                             4 points per certificate/rubric

    Bronze (60-69%):                          2 points per certificate/rubric

    (50-59%):                                        1 point per certificate/rubric


  • Cultural awards

    Cultural scrolls will be awarded to a learner according to the point system.


    Culture scroll:                Learner must achieve 30-40 points.

                                             (Depending on the amount of cultural activities available each year.)

    Honour colours:            Learner must achieve a culture scroll for two consecutive years.

                                             (Learner receives honour colours in the second year.)


  • Best cultural achiever or the year

    This learner will receive a trophy.

    It is awarded for the best overall achievement for culture.

    The learner that has accumulated the most points overall for culture will receive this award.

    (All cultural activities: intern as well as external, which the school enters the learner for.)



  • Best oratorical speaker of the year

    A trophy for the best oratorical speaker (English and Afrikaans respectfully) will be awarded.

    The learner with the most points for oratorical speaking (Afrikaans and English respectfully) will receive the trophy.

    (All oratorical competitions: intern as well as external, which the school enters the learner for.)




© 2015 Laerskool Witfield vervaardig deur Laerskool Witfield

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